Chemical analysis
Imaging biological samples
Scientific Outcomes
The LSM facilities have been providing access to state-of-the-art facilities for very minimal fees in order to support research advancement for all academic and industrial users. Please reference the LSM facilities in any research report, journal, or publication that requires citation of an author's work. Recognizing the resources you used at the LSM to conduct your research is important for our process of acquiring funding for hardware, support services, and other infrastructure improvements.
A suggested acknowledgement is:
The authors acknowledge the Laboratory for Surface Modification (LSM) at Rutgers University for access to the facilities that have contributed to the results reported here.
Recent publications
Highly efficient and durable III–V semiconductor-catalyst photocathodes via a transparent protection layer†
Shinjae Hwang, James L Young, Rachel Mow, Anders B Laursen, Mengjun Li, Hongbin Yang, Philip E Batson, Martha Greenblatt, Myles A Steiner, Daniel Friedman, Todd G Deutsch, Eric Garfunkel, G Charles Dismukes
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 4 (3), 1437-1442, 2020
Stoichiometry, band alignment, and electronic structure of Eu2O3 thin films studied by direct and inverse photoemission: A reevaluation of the electronic band structure
Tobias Hadamek, Sylvie Rangan, Jonathan Viereck, Donghan Shin, Agham B. Posadas, Robert A. Bartynski, and Alexander A. Demkov
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 074101 (2020)
Reduced Critical Current Spread in Planar MgB2 Josephson Junction Array Made by Focused Helium Ion Beam
Leila Kasaei, Student Member, IEEE, Thomas Melbourne, Mengjun Li, Viacheslav Manichev, Fei Qin,Hussein Hijazi, Leonard C. Feldman, Torgny Gustafsson, Bruce A. Davidson, XiaoXing Xi, and Ke Chen IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 29, NO. 5, AUGUST 2019